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Check your 2014 jamb result now without purchasing E-bundle card
They've been congestion recently in jamb website due to high volume of people checking their jamb result,for jamb to control the situation they introduce a scratch card which is used for now checking the result called E-bundle card which you have to purchase.
So we have decide to share the other alternative to checking the 2014 JAMB UTME results without any slow server and the likes. Check JAMB Results Free without e-bundle pin. 1. Download JAMB Mobile App for AndroidOR WindowsPhones. (No App For Blackberry Users Yet) 2. Install any of the apps on your device. 3. Open and click on “Check Current Result”. 4. Enter your Jamb Registration numberin the required space to access your 2014JAMB UTME resultfor free. NOTE:-This Tutorial is for Checking of Result using the JAMB Official App, To Print your Result, You will need the E-Bundle PIN to Check your Result and Print on PC.
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