
21 Reasons Why You'll Fair Badly as a student

Have you ever wondered why you never made it out of school like your mates? Are you looking for the possible reasons why there are so many drop outs in our society today? what are the few things students must avoid while in the high institution? List of Characters you must not have as a student, Things you must never do as a student.

Here is a list of 21 Things you must avoid once you make it into the high institution.

1. Poor study habits

2. Playfulness with studies 

3. Procrastination

4. Poor time management

5. Hatred for teachers 

6. Hatred for subjects 

7. Lazy attitudes to studies

8. Perpetual absenteeism

9. Truancy

10. Fear

11. Poor inner motivation

12. Poor self image or low-self-esteem

13. Constant lateness to school

14. Influence of bad friends

19. Cultism

20. Indecent Dressing

Most of this advice is in our 2016 Admission Guide Ebook

Admissionsure2016 is an ebook written by
NaijaComms to guild students (both full time and part time) in the forthcoming
2016 Jamb exam which will take place in few months time. This material guides you from 2016 jamb registration to Admission, Matriculation, Academic calender, and events in Universities and polytechnics, Click here to get one for yourself, friends and children so that they can graduate with good results

Please add the ones you know that were not mentioned here and share with friends on the social network.

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