The circumstances surrounding Baby T’s death was revealed through two main sources: Fofo and investigations by MUTE.
Baby T was the third child of Maa Tsuru while Fofo was fourth. Their jobless father, Kwei had abandoned them mainly as a result of the superstitious belief that Maa Tsuru had been cursed from birth. Baby T was s@xually abused by her mother’s second lover, Kpakpo and was further defiled by Onko, a generous uncle who lived in the same compound with them and in whom she tried to confide.
Through Kpapkpo’s gimmicks, Baby T was sold to a prostitution ring consisting of Madam Abidjan, Maami Brooni and Poison, the street lord and ring leader. She was made to work as a child prostitute in Maami Brooni’s brothel with her earnings sent to Maa Tsuru who simply turned a blind eye. Meanwhile, Onko’s welding business had suffered great setback after defiling Baby T. A witchdoctor made him believe that his misfortune was caused by the defilement of Baby T whom he said was a cursed child. As a form of remedy, the witch doctor asked Onko to bring some sacrificial items which would include Baby T’s pubic hair. How Baby T died Kpakpo helped Onko to connect with Baby T once again. Poison eventually led Kpakpo to Maami Brooni’s brothel where Baby T worked as a prostitute. Baby T remembered what Onko did to her in the past and totally declined to sleep with him. Enraged at her refusal, Poison slapped and tried to beat her into submission. Baby T was found dead on the concrete floor with her head split open. She was alone with Onko in the room at the time of her death. Onko committed suicide thereafter. Baby T: F@celess revolves mostly around Baby T and the circumstances leading to her death. She was Maa Tsuru’s third child and Fofo’s elder sister. She got defiled early by Kpakpo and thereafter by Onko whom she trusted. She was sold into prostitution through Kpakpo’s gimmicks. A victim of parental neglect like her sister Fofo, Baby T’s b@dly beaten and mutilated body was found behind a kiosk in Agbogbloshie market.
Poverty And Corruption
Corruption often conjures up images of people getting rich. But in fact, corruption’s connections to poverty are far more numerous and pervasive. Corruption delays, distorts and diverts economic growth. It comes in a variety of forms, and while no two countries are alike, there are common dilemmas for all to see.
The links between corruption and poverty affect both individuals and businesses, and they run in both directions: poverty invites corruption, while corruption deepens poverty. Corruption both causes and thrives upon weaknesses in key economic, political and social institutions. It is a form of self-serving influence akin to a heavily regressive tax, benefiting the haves at the expense of the have-nots. Trust–essential to financial markets and effective governments everywhere–is difficult to build in poor and corrupt societies. Poor people and economically strapped businesses have few economic alternatives, and where serious corruption is the norm, they are even more vulnerable to exploitation. In that sense, there is no such thing as “petty” corruption: police shakedowns in a public market, or roadblocks in the countryside where farmers must pay up in order to transport produce to the city, may yield seemingly trivial sums of money, but they help keep poor people poor. Low-level officials themselves may have trouble earning an honest living. In poor societies, they are often underpaid, when they are paid at all, and must provide a stream of payments to patrons at higher levels. In such settings, bribery, extortion and theft become matters of survival. For businesses small and large, and particularly for international investors, serious corruption has formidable costs. It is tempting–and, at times has been fashionable–to think of bribery as grease for the wheels of bureaucracy. And indeed a sweetener or backhander paid to the right person at the right time might help one firm, on one day, get a permit or a license more quickly.
But if we draw back from that isolated transaction, the deeply damaging dynamics become evident. A firm that pays up is telling those underpaid or unpaid officials that they can make money by dragging their feet, “losing” paperwork or contriving new requirements, forms and delays. They are erecting a very prominent sign that says, “We Pay.” Such signals flash quickly through an economy and a bureaucracy, particularly where legitimate opportunities are scarce, making for even more corruption.
In corrupt markets and public bidding processes, inefficient firms and dishonest bidders have major advantages over honest competitors. Connections and cash, rather than innovation and excellence, become the ways to win contracts. Developing human capital and technical capacity for the next generation are far less attractive than graft in the here and now. Long-suffering citizens will not get what they pay for, but they will surely pay for what they get: Waste, shoddy performance and phony cost overruns can all be covered up by bribes. The human costs of such corruption may emerge only later, when bridges crumple and large buildings collapse, as they have in the earthquake zones of Turkey, Iran and China.
At a higher level, extensive corruption threatens the basic notion of a fair return to investment, risk and work. It undermines basic property rights, the courts, police, banking and currencies. Where contracts cannot readily be enforced, assets cannot be protected, regulatory processes become tools of self-enrichment and the basic safety of persons and property is not assured. Corrupt, short-term gains might be huge, yet protecting those gains for the long term or reinvesting them may be all but impossible.
Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Portuguese: Pedagogia do Oprimido), written by educator Paulo Freire, proposes a pedagogy with a new relationship between teacher, student, and society. It was first published in Portuguese in 1968, and was translated by Myra Ramos into English and published in 1970.[1] The book is considered one of the foundational texts of critical pedagogy.
Dedicated to what is called “the oppressed” and based on his own experience helping Brazilian adults to read and write, Freire includes a detailed Marxist class analysis in his exploration of the relationship between what he calls “the colonizer” and “the colonized”.
Native Son (1940) is a novel written by African-American author Richard Wright. The novel tells the story of 20-year-old Bigger Thomas, an African-American youth living in utter poverty in a poor area on Chicago’s South Side in the 1930s.
While not apologizing for Bigger’s crimes, Wright portrays a systemic inevitability behind them. Bigger’s lawyer makes the case that there is no escape from this destiny for his client or any other black American since they are the necessary product of the society that formed them and told them since birth who exactly they were supposed to be.
“No American Negro exists”, James Baldwin once wrote, “who does not have his private Bigger Thomas living in his skull.” Frantz Fanon discusses the feeling in his 1952 essay, L’expérience vécue du noir, or The Fact of Blackness. “In the end”, writes Fanon, “Bigger Thomas acts. To put an end to his tension, he acts, he responds to the world’s anticipation.”
The protagonist of the novel, Bigger commits two ghastly crimes and is put on trial for his life. He is convicted and sentenced to the electric chair. His acts give the novel action but the real plot involves Bigger’s reactions to his environment and his crime. Through it all, Bigger struggles to discuss his feelings, but he can neither find the words to fully express himself nor does he have the time to say them. However, as they have been related through the narration, Bigger—typical of the “outsider” archetype—has finally discovered the only important and real thing: his life. Though too late, his realization that he is alive—and able to choose to befriend Mr. Max—creates some hope that men like him might be reached earlier.
This Story is the literary offspring of The Castle of Otranto, written upon the same plan, with a design to unite the most attractive and interesting circumstances of the ancient Romance and modern Novel.
In his novel, Walpole sought to blend together what was termed “new” and “old” romance. “Old” romance was identified by its fantastical nature, whilst the “new” variety (at the time of writing) was more grounded in reality. In this blending of the two styles, Walpole placed ordinary people in extraordinary situations. The core elements of The Castle of Otranto quickly became staples of gothic fiction. Despite being written 250 years ago, the legacy of The Castle of Otranto continues to be found within modern fiction. Take Stephenie Meyer’s hugely popular Twilight novels, in which Bella is romantically pursued by the vampire Edward and the werewolf Jacob while fleeing the supernatural machinations of the vampires James and Victoria. Stephen King’s The Shining is steeped in gothic influences, including The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe (which was also directly influenced by The Castle of Otranto). The Overlook Hotel in The Shining acts as a replacement for the traditional gothic castle, whilst Jack Torrance is a villain tinged with tragedy who seeks redemption. While not gothic per se, the horror in HP Lovecraft’s writing was undoubtedly influenced by the gothic tales told by his grandfather. Gothic cinema has rarely been far from the screen, as proven by the British Film Institute’s recent season dedicated to the gothic. Many of the early gothic movies, such as a Nosferatu, are still hailed as classics to this day, while Bram Stoker’s Dracula has repeatedly been adapted for film.
The circumstances surrounding Baby T’s death was revealed through two main sources: Fofo and investigations by MUTE.
Baby T was the third child of Maa Tsuru while Fofo was fourth. Their jobless father, Kwei had abandoned them mainly as a result of the superstitious belief that Maa Tsuru had been cursed from birth. Baby T was s@xually abused by her mother’s second lover, Kpakpo and was further defiled by Onko, a generous uncle who lived in the same compound with them and in whom she tried to confide.
Through Kpapkpo’s gimmicks, Baby T was sold to a prostitution ring consisting of Madam Abidjan, Maami Brooni and Poison, the street lord and ring leader. She was made to work as a child prostitute in Maami Brooni’s brothel with her earnings sent to Maa Tsuru who simply turned a blind eye. Meanwhile, Onko’s welding business had suffered great setback after defiling Baby T. A witchdoctor made him believe that his misfortune was caused by the defilement of Baby T whom he said was a cursed child. As a form of remedy, the witch doctor asked Onko to bring some sacrificial items which would include Baby T’s pubic hair. How Baby T died Kpakpo helped Onko to connect with Baby T once again. Poison eventually led Kpakpo to Maami Brooni’s brothel where Baby T worked as a prostitute. Baby T remembered what Onko did to her in the past and totally declined to sleep with him. Enraged at her refusal, Poison slapped and tried to beat her into submission. Baby T was found dead on the concrete floor with her head split open. She was alone with Onko in the room at the time of her death. Onko committed suicide thereafter. Baby T: F@celess revolves mostly around Baby T and the circumstances leading to her death. She was Maa Tsuru’s third child and Fofo’s elder sister. She got defiled early by Kpakpo and thereafter by Onko whom she trusted. She was sold into prostitution through Kpakpo’s gimmicks. A victim of parental neglect like her sister Fofo, Baby T’s b@dly beaten and mutilated body was found behind a kiosk in Agbogbloshie market.
Poverty And Corruption
Corruption often conjures up images of people getting rich. But in fact, corruption’s connections to poverty are far more numerous and pervasive. Corruption delays, distorts and diverts economic growth. It comes in a variety of forms, and while no two countries are alike, there are common dilemmas for all to see.
The links between corruption and poverty affect both individuals and businesses, and they run in both directions: poverty invites corruption, while corruption deepens poverty. Corruption both causes and thrives upon weaknesses in key economic, political and social institutions. It is a form of self-serving influence akin to a heavily regressive tax, benefiting the haves at the expense of the have-nots. Trust–essential to financial markets and effective governments everywhere–is difficult to build in poor and corrupt societies. Poor people and economically strapped businesses have few economic alternatives, and where serious corruption is the norm, they are even more vulnerable to exploitation. In that sense, there is no such thing as “petty” corruption: police shakedowns in a public market, or roadblocks in the countryside where farmers must pay up in order to transport produce to the city, may yield seemingly trivial sums of money, but they help keep poor people poor. Low-level officials themselves may have trouble earning an honest living. In poor societies, they are often underpaid, when they are paid at all, and must provide a stream of payments to patrons at higher levels. In such settings, bribery, extortion and theft become matters of survival. For businesses small and large, and particularly for international investors, serious corruption has formidable costs. It is tempting–and, at times has been fashionable–to think of bribery as grease for the wheels of bureaucracy. And indeed a sweetener or backhander paid to the right person at the right time might help one firm, on one day, get a permit or a license more quickly.
But if we draw back from that isolated transaction, the deeply damaging dynamics become evident. A firm that pays up is telling those underpaid or unpaid officials that they can make money by dragging their feet, “losing” paperwork or contriving new requirements, forms and delays. They are erecting a very prominent sign that says, “We Pay.” Such signals flash quickly through an economy and a bureaucracy, particularly where legitimate opportunities are scarce, making for even more corruption.
In corrupt markets and public bidding processes, inefficient firms and dishonest bidders have major advantages over honest competitors. Connections and cash, rather than innovation and excellence, become the ways to win contracts. Developing human capital and technical capacity for the next generation are far less attractive than graft in the here and now. Long-suffering citizens will not get what they pay for, but they will surely pay for what they get: Waste, shoddy performance and phony cost overruns can all be covered up by bribes. The human costs of such corruption may emerge only later, when bridges crumple and large buildings collapse, as they have in the earthquake zones of Turkey, Iran and China.
At a higher level, extensive corruption threatens the basic notion of a fair return to investment, risk and work. It undermines basic property rights, the courts, police, banking and currencies. Where contracts cannot readily be enforced, assets cannot be protected, regulatory processes become tools of self-enrichment and the basic safety of persons and property is not assured. Corrupt, short-term gains might be huge, yet protecting those gains for the long term or reinvesting them may be all but impossible.
Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Portuguese: Pedagogia do Oprimido), written by educator Paulo Freire, proposes a pedagogy with a new relationship between teacher, student, and society. It was first published in Portuguese in 1968, and was translated by Myra Ramos into English and published in 1970.[1] The book is considered one of the foundational texts of critical pedagogy.
Dedicated to what is called “the oppressed” and based on his own experience helping Brazilian adults to read and write, Freire includes a detailed Marxist class analysis in his exploration of the relationship between what he calls “the colonizer” and “the colonized”.
Native Son (1940) is a novel written by African-American author Richard Wright. The novel tells the story of 20-year-old Bigger Thomas, an African-American youth living in utter poverty in a poor area on Chicago’s South Side in the 1930s.
While not apologizing for Bigger’s crimes, Wright portrays a systemic inevitability behind them. Bigger’s lawyer makes the case that there is no escape from this destiny for his client or any other black American since they are the necessary product of the society that formed them and told them since birth who exactly they were supposed to be.
“No American Negro exists”, James Baldwin once wrote, “who does not have his private Bigger Thomas living in his skull.” Frantz Fanon discusses the feeling in his 1952 essay, L’expérience vécue du noir, or The Fact of Blackness. “In the end”, writes Fanon, “Bigger Thomas acts. To put an end to his tension, he acts, he responds to the world’s anticipation.”
The protagonist of the novel, Bigger commits two ghastly crimes and is put on trial for his life. He is convicted and sentenced to the electric chair. His acts give the novel action but the real plot involves Bigger’s reactions to his environment and his crime. Through it all, Bigger struggles to discuss his feelings, but he can neither find the words to fully express himself nor does he have the time to say them. However, as they have been related through the narration, Bigger—typical of the “outsider” archetype—has finally discovered the only important and real thing: his life. Though too late, his realization that he is alive—and able to choose to befriend Mr. Max—creates some hope that men like him might be reached earlier.
This Story is the literary offspring of The Castle of Otranto, written upon the same plan, with a design to unite the most attractive and interesting circumstances of the ancient Romance and modern Novel.
In his novel, Walpole sought to blend together what was termed “new” and “old” romance. “Old” romance was identified by its fantastical nature, whilst the “new” variety (at the time of writing) was more grounded in reality. In this blending of the two styles, Walpole placed ordinary people in extraordinary situations. The core elements of The Castle of Otranto quickly became staples of gothic fiction. Despite being written 250 years ago, the legacy of The Castle of Otranto continues to be found within modern fiction. Take Stephenie Meyer’s hugely popular Twilight novels, in which Bella is romantically pursued by the vampire Edward and the werewolf Jacob while fleeing the supernatural machinations of the vampires James and Victoria. Stephen King’s The Shining is steeped in gothic influences, including The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe (which was also directly influenced by The Castle of Otranto). The Overlook Hotel in The Shining acts as a replacement for the traditional gothic castle, whilst Jack Torrance is a villain tinged with tragedy who seeks redemption. While not gothic per se, the horror in HP Lovecraft’s writing was undoubtedly influenced by the gothic tales told by his grandfather. Gothic cinema has rarely been far from the screen, as proven by the British Film Institute’s recent season dedicated to the gothic. Many of the early gothic movies, such as a Nosferatu, are still hailed as classics to this day, while Bram Stoker’s Dracula has repeatedly been adapted for film.
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