
100% Free NECO 2016 EXPO Hausa/Igbo/Yoruba/Edo/Efik/Ibibio/Drama & Poetry–Literature in English Objective & Essay Questions And Answers

Complete Free Expo Neco 2016 Hausa/Igbo/Yoruba/Edo/Efik/Ibibio/Drama & Poetry–Literature in English  Obj And Theory Expo/Answers
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Do not subscribe for any 2016 Neco expo questions and answers cause Hausa/Igbo/Yoruba/Edo/Efik/Ibibio/Drama & Poetry–Literature in English obj and essay would be posted here for free. Also other subjects would be posted here for free....

100% Verified Yoruba Obj

1-10 daebddbebe

11-20 eabddbbbeb

21-30 babbbdabdc

31-40 acdeeecbcc

41-50 bbbbcccccb

51-60 bddeacddce



1, ó- oro aropo oruko

2, elewe- Eyan akanmoruko

3, ewura- Eyan ajoruko

4, Meji- Ryan asonka

2ai) O- pro aropo orukp eniketa,ni IPO eyo

2.) Elewe- Ryan akanmoruko

3) Ewura- Eyan ajoruko

4) Meji- Eyan asonka

5) Ko- asaaju pro use

6) Pupo- Aponle

7) Awon- Aropo afarajorukp

8) ni- atokun

9) oun- asopo

10) pelepele- aponle


-O n sise aropo oruko

-elewe n sise afara joruko

-ewura n sise eyan

-meji n sise eyan asonka

-ko n sise gege bi agba abo ninu

-Pupo n sise eyan asaponle

-Awon nsise aropo oruko nipo opo

-ni n sise eyan nipo atokun

-oun n sise gege bi oro asopo

-pelepele n sise gege bi eyan to n toka si ise ninu gbolohun






-Ayewo sise

-Owo ori sisan



-Ibalag:Okunrin to bati balaga ni onfe iyawo nitori okunrin bee gbodo ni owo lowo lati le toju iyawo ati omo

-Ifojusode:Okunrin yio wa eni ti owu nipa fifi oju sode

-Alarina:Alarina yio se asotun sosi ni odo oko ati iyawo ki oro won lewo

-Itoro omo:Ati igba ti oro okunrin ati obinrin bati wo awon obi okunrin yio yoju si awon obi obinrin lati toro omo won

-Ayewo sise:Awon obi okunrin ati obinrin ti idile oko yoo sisan owo ayewo leyin eyi ni ojo mimo obi iyawo

-Owo ori sisan:Awon ebi oko yio san owo inawo ikobi iyawo ni:Igba orogbo,igba obi,opolopo isu ati agbado, won yio si ojo fun igbeyawo

-Igbeyawo:Eyi ni sisin iyawo losile oko ,sisun ekun iyawo.Ale ni elegbe iyawo n mun losile .Bibori fun iyawo fifi ese fo igba ko to wole ati beebee lo



Mo gbo ariwo,enikan n yo kelekele ni eyin ferese mi,mo ri ojiji ni imole oru,leyin eyi ni mo ri owo ti o koja lo sibi ferese naa.Eru baami,mo pa oju mide ti mo si piroro bigbati oun koun kosele.Ko rorun fun ole na lati gba ibi ferese wole nitori galagala naa je tuntun ti osi nipari.Nigbati mode ede ole na ti gbiyanju lati si ilekun,Mogbo da duro,Amo bawo?tio ba ni obe tabi ada nko?Emi kosi ni ounkoun.Lojiji ese mi kan nkankan oje odo iya mi tuntun.Eyi ni oun ija mi.Mo si piororo sibi ilekun.Ilekun naa si diedie mo si ri oju okunrin na ninu imole oru.Mo gbe omo odo na mo si jan mon lori.Osi subu lule yakata.



Mo dupe lopolopo

Mi kole se awawi

Ife tio wa lasan wa

ti wo inu opolo ni

Ife mi tooto

ti awon miran koleri

Ti awa gbiyanju latiri

o tako lakaya osi foju

Mi ko so rara pe

Ife wa ko tawa tegbo

sugbo n semi

Oni iwo ati irungbon

Idi re ni wipe

Mo feran re pelu gbogbo okan mi

Je kia jo sise po lai kaa re okan

Lati gbara le enikeji fun aseyori

Ka pa awadw ti

Mo feran ololufe mi

Mo mo ipe wa ran mi lowo

di igbeyin aye mi

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5a)Aikatau kalmace wada ke auna aiki a Ci jemla , Aikin zai zama wan da ake ciki ko wanda yawuce ko kuma mai zuwa

5b) 1 Al Amin yana rubutu 2, yara suna buga kwalo afilin makaranta 3, malam yana koyawa dalibai a jiy 4,suleman ya na zuwa makaran ta kullum

7) sunayen su

1 waziri =shine mataimakin sarki kuma mai bada shawara ,

2 maiunguwa= shine wakilin sarki a unguwa

3 dagaci = shine wakilin sarki a gunduma

4 magatakarda= shine mai rubutu da karatu a fada

5 sarki = sheni shugaba baki daya








31-40: -----------

41-50: -----CDAAE


No 31 to 45 is novel..



(i) Ha na ekpezi esemokwu

(ii) Ha na-aga zachasia ebe a na-akwa ozu.

(iii) Ha na-eme ka obodo na-adi ocha

(iv) Ha na-ekpughe ihe ojoo na-eme na obodo

(v) Nwannyi obula na-enupuru di ya isi, umuada na-aga gbapee ya nti.


(i) Nna na-eweta ego nri

(ii) Nna bu onye na echekwa ezinaulo

(iii) Nna na-akwu ugwo akwukwo umuaka

(iv) Nna bu onye na-anochi anya ezinaulo ebe obula

(v) Nna na-enye aka izulite umuaka ya n'uzo kwesiri ekwesi


(i) Njiko = Ebuka na Emeka abughi okenye

(ii) Mbuuzo = Uche bara n'ime ulo.

(iii) Isigwaa = O napuru ya ihe o ji bia.

(iv) Enyemakangwaa = Ekene na-echu mmiri.


(i) O na-enye aka ighota igbo mmadu na-asu

(ii) Eji ya akuzi nkuzi






Just Keep Refr 1eshing this pa 1ge

Till Exams Are Over.


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