
2016/2017 Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic Admission Into HND (FT/PT) ND (PT)

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic, part-time(weekdays) or (weekend) National Diploma and Higher National Diploma programmes full time and part-time for the 2016/2017 academic session.

Method Of Application
1. Interested applicants are to proceed to http://my.aapoly.edu.ng/admission/index.php to complete their application

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(Please fill the form correctly and supply a VALID EMAIL ADDRESS because your login details will be sent to whatever email address you provide)

2. Check your email inbox (or Spam) for your Applicant ID and Password

3. Return to the website and Click Login to access Application Form

4. Continue by paying the necessary fees and then carefully filling the Application Form and click submit

6. Print the Application form and Examination Slip with the examination date on it

Get the Original Complete Abraham Adesanya Post Utme past questions and answers, to score high in post Utme Screening

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