
ANSU COOU 2016/2017 Departmental Cut off marks For All Courses And Departments

2016/2017 COOU ANSU departmental cut off marks for all courses and department

The school currently is yet to released the 2016/2017 departmental cut offmarks, the below departmental cut off marks is based on Speculations from previous admission quota, logistics, and aggregate from jamb with high demanded courses.


Very competitive courses includes
Medicine & surg - 235+
Law - 240+
Marketing - 220+
Business admin - 200+
Social sciences  - 190+
Biological science - 180+
Biochemistry - 181+
Banking and finance - 180+
Chemical engineering - 185+
Civil engineering - 183+
Economics - 190+
Anatomy - 181+
Architecture - 190+
Accounting/ Accountancy - 191+
Mass communication - 182+
Mechanical engineering - 196+
Marketing -180+

All courses and departments under faculty of Agriculture - 180+

All courses and departments under faculty of Education - Art & science - 180+

1. Industrial Physics - 180+
2. Computer Science - 195+
3. Statistics - 180+
4. Mathematics- 180+
5. Geology - 195+
6. Pure and Industrial Chemistry - 180+
7. Crop Science and Horticulture - 180+
8. Agricultural Economics and Extension - 180+
9. Soil Science - 180+
10. Animal Science - 180+
11. Urban and Regional Planning - 180+
12. Environmental Management - 180+
13. Science Education - 180+
1. Education and Mathematics - 180+
2. Education and Physics - 180+
3. Computer Science Education - 180+
4. Education and Chemistry -180+
5. Integrated Science Education - 180+
6. Education and Biology - 180+
14. Religion - 180+
15. Theatre Arts - 180+
16. Music - 180+
17. Igbo - 180+
18. Arts and Social Science Education - 180+
1. Education and Igbo - 180+

2. Human Kinetics - 180+

I'm chinonso ibeh
A physicist
Uli campus

WhatsApp/IMO video call : 08133139104

If your current 2016/2017 Jamb score
Wasn't up to your speculated Departmental cut off marks, you still have a chance to change it during post Utme. During post Utme registration, a space is provided for you to change it. If you don't change it,ANSU might forcefully push you to another department.

For example if you choose med and surge and you scored 186 or 202 in jamb, you are advice to change it to a similar course in the same faculty ( basic medical science) like anatomy, physiology, or you can change it biochemistry or biological science. if you don't change it, you might be given soil science or still your course.

More courses would be added later...
If your course or department wasn't listed here, use the comment box below

Questions tags: what is ANSU COOU department cut off mark for medicine, law, masscomm, business administration, 2016/2017 ANSU COOU Departmental cut off marks released, Chinonso ibeh on Ansu COOU post Utme form Screening date venue, Ansu school fees

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  1. Pls i applied for coou as my first and second choice and as of now its only first batch of admission list that is out so should i consider buying the second choice admission screening form?

  2. Check your name in the 2nd second batch admission list that was released yesterday 24/11/2016

  3. pls when is second choice admision list be out,?pls send me the ans via my email@ezeifem

  4. Please Chinonso, I did exchange of institution and course for Ansu on september 30 and since then there has been no list for me, what am i to do?

  5. Check your name in all the admission list Ansu has released so far
