
Free Neco 2016/2017 Biology Objectives And Essay Theory Answers Now posted For Free

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1a)Morphological variation refers to the noticeable physical appearance of individual of the same species . for example in human beings morphological variation include, height of the body , shape of the body etc
1b) pollination can be define as the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of a planr
i)nutrition is the act of feeding of animals
ii) mutation is the splitting of a cell into simpler ones which have the same characters and features of the bigger ones
3iii) Gene are hereditary units or basic units of inheritance. They are located in chromosomes and are responsible for the transmission of character from parents to the offspring
- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- -
1ai) Morphological variation refers to the noticeable physical
appearance of individual of the same species . for example
in human beings morphological variation include, height of
the body , shape of the body etc
1aii ) pollination can be define as the transfer of pollen
grains from the another to the stigma of a plant
1iii ) niche : is a term that is used in ecological biology to
define an organism' s
role in an ecosystem .
1bii )
1. Both processes release energy
2. Both start with the breakdown of a nutrient ( glucose )
3. Both yield byproducts
1c) Ecological Niche refers to the specific portion of a
habitat which is occupied by a particular species or
i)nutrition is the act of feeding of animals
ii) mutation is the splitting of a cell into simpler ones which have the same characters and features of the bigger ones
3iii) Gene are hereditary units or basic units of inheritance. They are located in chromosomes and are responsible for the transmission of character from parents to the offspring
3b) mutation is the splitting of a cell into simpler ones which have the same characters and features of the bigger ones
3c) Gene are hereditary units or basic units of inheritance. They are located in chromosomes and are responsible for the transmission of character from parents to the offspring
1a)Morphological variation refers to the noticeable physical appearance of individual of the same species . for example in human beings morphological variation include, height of the body , shape of the body etc 1aii) pollination can be define as the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of a planr
1aiii)niche:is a term that is used in ecological biology to define an organism's
role in an ecosystem.
---Both processes release energy
----. Both start with the breakdown of a
nutrient (glucose)
-----. Both yield byproducts
----- Rapid population growth
------- cost of fertiliser and transport
----- Pterophyta
------ Anthophyta
------- Bryophyta
---Embryo with two cotyledons
----- Flower parts in multiples of four
or five
---- Roots develop from radicle
---- Pollen with three furrows or
i)nutrition is the act of feeding of animals
ii) mutation is the splitting of a cell into simpler ones which have the same characters and features of the bigger ones
3iii) Gene are hereditary units or basic units of inheritance. They are located in chromosomes and are responsible for the transmission of character from parents to the offspring

1ai)Morphological variation refers to the noticeable physical appearance of individual of the same species . for example in human beings morphological variation include, height of the body , shape of the body etc
1aii) pollination can be define as the transfer of pollen grains from the another to the stigma of a plant
1iii)niche:is a term that is used in ecological biology to define an organism's
role in an ecosystem.
i)Both processes release energy
ii)Both start with the breakdown of a nutrient (glucose)
iii)Both yield byproducts
iv)poor storage facilities
1c) Ecological Niche refers to the specific portion of a habitat which is occupied by a particular species or organism
i)nutrition is the act of feeding of animals
ii) mutation is the splitting of a cell into simpler ones which have the same characters and features of the bigger ones
3iii) Gene are hereditary units or basic units of inheritance. They are located in chromosomes and are responsible for the transmission of character from parents to the offspring
3bi) The light rays from the object pass through the
conjuctiva, cornea, aqueous humour, lens and
vitreous humour in that order. All these
structures refract the light such that it falls on
the retina. This is called focussing. Maximum
focussing is done by the cornea and the lens.
The light then falls on the retina.
This light is received by the photoreceptors -
rods and cones, on the retina. The absorbed light
activates the pigments present in the rods and
cones. The pigments are present on the
membranes of the vesicles. Thus, the light is
then converted into action potentials in the
membranes of the vesicles. These travel as
nervous impulses through the rod or the cone
cell and reach the synaptic knobs. From here the
impulses are transmitted to the bipolar nerve
cells, then to the ganglions and then to the optic
nerves. Thus the nervous impulses generated in
the retina are carried to the brain by about a
million neurons of the optic nerve. The vision is
controlled by the occipital lobe at the back of
the brain. The information received is processed
and we are able to see the image. The image
formed on the retina is inverted. However, the
brain makes us see the image erect. So, though
the eyes are essential for vision, any damage to
the optic nerves also results in impairment of
3bii) differencea between between amoeba and euglena
Amoeba: Pseudopodia
Euglena: Flagella
------ Nutrition
Amoeba: Heterotroph by phagocytosis
Euglena: Autotroph by photosynthesis and
heterotroph by ingestion
(i)voluntary action;these are activities performed willingly by animal eg jumping and dancing
(ii)involuntary action;these are activities that are performed unwillingly eg eye blink and heart beat.
(i) cochlea
(ii)During sound effect,the pinna collect sound waves in the air and passes them on through the external auditory canal.the wave causes the tympanic memebrane to vibrate.the vibration are passes on to the ear ossicles which amplify.the fenestral ovalis also vibrate passing the wave into cavity of the cochlea,where the perilymph vibratea and transmits the wave in the cochlea causing the endolymph of the cochlea to also vibrate.the vibration are transmitted to the sensory nerve cells where the interpretation of sound takes place.

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