
Neco 2016 literature in engish Drama & Poetry Answers - june/July Expo

Neco 2016 literature in engish Drama & Poetry Answers - june/July Expo

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LITERATURE IN ENGLISH (drama and prose)
There are many losses of lives in the play. many people lose their lives as a result of the clashes between Kindo (the chief warrior) and the stranger( Mr.whitehead). Those tragic events that happen make the drama a tragedy. Soko was killed by Kindo. there was a slaughtering of other people. many tragic events happened in the village. there was bloodshed. lives were lost. The tragedy in the blood of stranger is not just man's tragedy; it is a tragedy of the entire village. The tragedy begins with Maligu deceiving the entire village by conspiring with Soko(the chief priest). we see tragedy in the rape of Wara. The tragedy is also seen in the killing of Parker and the whitehead by Kindo which leads to the barnishment of Kindo by the king.

The entire village starts to mourn the losses of the lives of their people. there was wailing every where. it is greed that pushes malign to think of deceiving his village. The illicit transaction between malign, Soko and the whitehead brought a lot of tragedies in the entire village copied from www.naijacomms.com

Theme of Deception:
Much of this play’s comedy comes from the trickery played by various characters. The most important deceits come from Tony, including his lie about Hardcastle’s home and his scheme of driving his mother and Constance around in circles. However, deceit also touches to the center of the play’s more major themes. In a sense, the only reason anyone learns anything about their deep assumptions about class and behavior is because they are duped into seeing characters in different ways. This truth is most clear with Marlow and his shifting perspective on Kate, but it also is true for the Hardcastles and Sir Charles, who are able to see the contradictions in others because of what trickery engenders

(i) Metaphor: the people's eyes are as cold as ice. This means that there is no warmth or real feeling in the words that they say, or how they behave. This metaphor literally allows you to visualise a block of ice, cold and unwelcoming.

(ii) Simile: stanza 4, line 20-21 emphasises the constant changes in the personae's face. If u think of how often a woman changes her dress, then that is how the personae adjusts his/her personality to suit an audience. The list of faces that follow this line emphasis this point. Stanza 6, lines 38-40 compares the personae's faces in a portrait. If u think of a snake words such as sneaky and deceitful come to mind. Therefore, the implication is that the personae is fake, just like the people he addresses

(iii) Repetition: This phrase is repeated at beginning and the end of the poem. This usually signals of a fairy tale. Therefore, it is implied that the personae is nostalgic about the past.

ROLES and Character analysis OF KINDO in The Blood of a Stranger
Kindo is the son of the king and head of warriors of mondoland; a hunter and heir-apparent to the throne of Mando. Kindo COPIED from www.naijacomms.comis an upright defender of Mandoland; he is willing to defend his culture and his people. He is very young and only a boy when he fought in his first war.
Kindo has very sensitive instincts; feels evil in the air easily - very sensitive to a crooked situation. He is an ambitious character, he is stubborn and also impatient, Loves and protects the custom of his people.Kindo is boastful and keeps a dossier on people. He can speak reasonably like a wise elder. He is regid and unnfeeling; More concerned for the safety of his people.
copied from www.NAIJACOMMS.com

it is a truism that hansberry uses mr. Linder's character to portray racial discrimination.
The caretakers of the younger's new neighbourhood use mr. Linder to prevent the family from relocating to their new house. This is because the neighbourhood is all-white residence, and for color reasons, mr. Linder is used by the clybrourne park improvement association to bribe the younget's family which threatens to tear then apart and the value for which it stands.

By younger's family responding to such racial discrimination with defiance,demonstrates that the best way to fight racisim is open resistance against it. In the light of the above, racism must abhorred by everybody. Conversely, we should show erual love to one another irrespective of tribes,color and religious afiliations.

Answer One question frm this section.

Dele Charley: The blood of a stranger
1. Discuss the play as a tragedy
2. Write on the character and role of Kindo in the play
Frank Ogbodo Ogbeche: Harvest of Corruption
3. "Inspector Inaku is an agent of light in the play". Discuss.
4. Comment on the use of symbolism in the play.

Answer one from this Section
Lorraine Hansberry: A Raisin in the sun.
5. With a close reference to the play, discuss the effects of racism and apartheid on the Younger's family copied from NAIJACOMMS.COM
6. Discuss the theme of poverty and how it contributes to the development of the play.
Oliver Goldsmith: She stoops to conquer.
7. Discuss Tony as a trickster, showing his contribution to the development of the play
8. Discuss the theme of deception as it relates to Marlow and Kate.

Answer one question from this section
9. Discuss any three poetic devices employed in Gabriel Okara's "Piano and Drums".
10. Discuss the themes of political revolution and struggle for freedom in Gbanaban Hallowell's "The Dining Table".

Answer One question from this section
11. Write on the epic elements in "The proud King" by William Morris.
12. 'Love intoxicates'. Justify this assertion with a close reference to William Shakespeare's "Shall I compare Number,12)
*Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?*
Thou are more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And often summers lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines and often is his gold complexion dimm'd; and every fair from fair sometimes declines by chance or nature changing course, untrimm'd; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest ; Nor shall death brag thou wanderest in his shade, when in eternal lines to time thou growest; So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee....loading will soon drop keep in revisiting till after exam


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