
Bowen University Important Notice To Old And New Students For 2016/2017 Session


This is to inform all freshmen (100 level and direct entry students) of Bowen University that On resumption, all are to proceed in the order listed below:

A. Report to the various screening venues according to their programmes for verification and screening of their documents.

B. At the venues, present the originals of the underlisted documents for sighting and submit photocopies in an office file with the student’s names (surname first in capital letters) and programme clearly written on the file.
I. Admission Letter
Ii. Birth Certificate
Iii. “O” Level Result(s)
Iv. 2016 Utme Result Slip

Also to be enclosed in the office file that would be submitted at the screening venues are duly completed

I. Acceptance Of Offer Form
Ii. Declaration Form
Iii. Letter Of Guarantor
Iv. Letter Of Undertaking
V. Affidavit of non-membership of unregistered club / prohibited organizations

C. Obtain clearance slip duly signed and stamped, if cleared, by the screening staff.

D. Pay the necessary fees, obtain the payment receipt and bursary clearance at the bursary desk (SMS Lecture RMS 1 & 2).

I. School Fees
Ii. ICT skill acquisition fees
Iii. BBSF dues
Iv. BUPAF dues
V. Six thousand naira (N6, 000) jamb regularization fees (only for candidates who did not choose Bowen as their preferred choice in JAMB)

E. Proceed to the student affairs desk for room allocation (SMS former sociology department).

F. Report at the faculty office to obtain pin for online registration upon presentation of the following (original to be sighted and photocopy to be submitted):
(i) Duly signed screening clearance slip
(ii) Receipt of payment of the required fees
(iii) Duly signed clearance slip from bursary
(iv) Evidence of allocation of room from student affairs

G. After clearance, proceed to the digital centre for online registration.


This is to inform all Returning students of Bowen University that they are to resume for the 2016/2017 academic session on Wednesday 21st September, 2016.

All returning students are to:
A. Report at the bursary department to pay the prescribed fees (for details on payment please check the university website)
the fees to be paid include:
i. School Fees
Ii. ICT Skill Acquisition Fees
Iii. BBSF Dues
Iv. BUPAF Dues
V. Jamb regularization fees (only for candidates who did not choose Bowen as their preferred choice in jamb)
B. Proceed to hostel for room allocation
C. Report at the faculty office to obtain pin for online registration upon presentation of the following (original to be sighted and photocopy to be submitted):
I. Receipt of payment of the required fees
ii. Duly signed clearance slip from bursary
iii. Evidence of allocation of room from student affairs
D. Proceed to the i. D card centre, faculty of social and management sciences for collection of identity cards upon
presentation of bursary clearance and evidence of room allocation.

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