
ANSU COOU Releases 2016/2017 Second Semester Academic Session Timetable

Anambra state university uli and Igbariam now Chukwuemeka odumegwu ojukwu university uli campus has amendment and re-agustment here ANSU COOU 2016/2017 Second 2nd semester academic calendar session.

This is the official information released to inform and update you on the current academic calendar for this 2016/2017 session.

January 23,2017- first semester break for old students commences.

february 12,2017-break ends.

february 13,2017-2nd semester lectures commences for old students.

february 16,2017.- matriculation ceremony at uli campus.

february 17,2017-matriculation ceremony at igbariam campus.

march 6,2017- first semester exams for 100level students commences.

march 17,2017-first semester for 100level students ends.

march 20,2017-second semester lectures commence for 100 level students.

april 6,2017-convocation lecture at igbariam campus.

april 7,2017-convocation ceremony at igbariam campus...( you are highly invited to my convocation ...there you will see sug sec emeritus live for some of my beloved students that are longing to see me and my boss...sug governor..both of us will be there... and the event will be presided by chief willie obiano..executive gov of anambra state).

june 12,2017-second semester exams for all students will commence.

june 30,2017-second semester exams ends.

june 30,2017- long vacation commence.

Please all new students that was recently admitted,you are advised to rush and pay your acceptance fee and school fees before the portal closed..this is an urgent information.

For candidates that are yet to be admitted,please if you have not resubmitted your credentials to admission unit,you are advised to rush to admission unit at uli campus to submit as quick as possible as they compile to bring out fourth batch.

Please i want to use this opportunity to appreciate my ever loving, caring and amiable vice chancellor who took all students as his children for extending 100level exams so that they will be more equipped and prepared for the exams and also being the best vice chancellor in the southeast and most active and workaholic vice chancellor that has the running of fastest calendar since he entered 2010 till date.


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