
How to Identify a Good Web Design Company in Nigeria

Are you looking for a reliable web design company
in Nigeria to design a website for your business
or organization?
This is something that requires a lot of dedicated
effort and commitment.
Unfortunately most business owners do not see it
that way.

The result?
They end up redesigning the company website
over and over again. After a while they conclude
that web design companies in Nigeria or simply
web designers generally are not reliable.
However, this is not necessarily so. Agreed, there
are so many bad eggs and incompetent folks
parading themselves as web designers or some
can even go to the extent of calling themselves a
web design company.

It is important to note that due diligent search
will help you identify the truly professional ones
and sieve them out from the rest.
So here are a few tips that will aid you in
identifying a great website design company;

Web design Portfolio
Do they have a track record of past projects? If
they do, ask for the evidence.
To confirm that the websites were actually built
by the web design company, check the footer of
the websites they say they created for a mention
of their name e.g. "web design by xxx Web Design
Company". Almost every web designer I know
adds this footer.

Web design Pricing
If a web designer charges ridiculously low like
NGN20,000 or so, please run, else you will end up
with a substandard website.
This is not to advocate for higher prices for web
designers, but to inform you that any web design
company that really wants to offer you quality
service will not accept such fee because it may
not even be enough to buy a good and
dependable hosting space and domain name, not
to talk of service charges.

Ignore this advice at your own peril!!!

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