
Thursday 10th March 10/03/2016 JAMB CBT 2016 Questions & Answers For Day 11

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- More people appear to take to drinking and smoking
- Somewhat interconnected
- The smoking of cigarettes is bad and unacceptable
- Total abstinence from drinking and smoking is a religious
- At variance
- The pollution growth rate will double before our death
- man poses the greatest threat to Nature
- extensive killing of animals and the fast disappearance of
their favourable habitats
- man developed an awareness of right and wrong
- pessimistic
- an audience
- formal
- reportive
- assembly
- polished
- vocal
- interactive
- context
- of her former principal' s recommendation
- miss Novi
- Caro
- the principal ' s open commendation of her result
- during the Mid- Term Dinner
- condemnation
- felt she was snobbish
- distracted by a band playing on the field
- He thought Jimi was a lucky boy
- he ran into a team of policemen
- punish Jimi for the wrong doings
- he was a small , wiry man with odd accent
- she was surprised
- had become rude and unruly
- her admission into the senior class was unusual
- she expressed it clearly and strongly
- he needs to organize himself
- she was advised to stay calm
- the team ' s performance was full of disappointment
- he is possessive
- you need to improve your skills
- they are very close to each other
- she was successful in the examination
- she is excited about motherhood
- she would be accepted by all as a beauty queen
- cordial
- sewed up
- affected for
- polite
- lasting
- lasting
- initially
- a reduced
- clear
- pirate
- weak
- display
- easy
- an instinct
- wailed
- abnormal
- encouraging
- dismayed
- constant
- inviting
- dont you
- sand and cement
- had believed
- monument
- post- mortem
- for five minutes
- doesnt he
- an honorary
- a brand new peugeot car
- any
- by
- few
- rather God as a gift
- fluorescent
- was
- as patient a teacher
- argument
- might
- flavour
- field
- ranch
- physics
- fixture
- fan
- never
- able
- bale
- adVANtages
- inTENtional
- guitar
- where did i leave the bag
- what can kanu play
- what does aisha play always

- 2x ^ 3/ 3 +2 x +k
- 6
- 2/ 3 ( 1 /3 x +6 )
- 10
- 3/ 2
- 65 degree
- 8
- 36 degrees
- 95 degree
- 15
- 5
- 1/ 4 sin 4 x - 1 /3 cos 3 x +k
- 13
14 .
- 40
- 17
- ( k - p )^ 2
- ( 24 +4 pie ) cm
- 7
- {1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 13 }
- 1/ 6
- 1. 36 * 10 ^ - 2
- 3sin x + 3 x cos x
- ( 18 + 9 pie / 5 ) cm
- 1/ 8
- 5
- 2x 2 +4 / x ^ 2
- 14 . 11
- 2pie cm
- . 1
- 36 cm
- 2
- 0. 154
- 6x ^ 2+ 12 x + 6
- 3* 3 ^ n - 1
- 1 / 3.
- 225litres
- 9x ^ 2+ 4 x + 3
- . - 1<_ x <_ 4
- . - cosx - 5 x ^ 3 /3 +k
- 216
- 4/ 3 , - 1
- ( 2 , 3 )
- 80
- 10 . 2
- 20
- cummulative frequency table
- 5- 2 root6
- 40
++ + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + ++ + +

- carbonII oxide
- butterfly
- hypotonic
- ethylene
- irritability
- maize grain
- use of tissue
- traponema pallidum
- sepal
- systematic circulation
- incomplete dominance
- reptiles
- proxvirus
- female anopheles mosquito
- termites and bee
- indiscriminate poaching
- affords protection from predation for the young fish
- fission
- salmonella typhi
- community
- gene lamark
- charles darwin
- hypertonic solution
- escaping detection
- scare other males from the territory
- angiosperm and gymnosperms
- I and IV
- mouth - gills - operculum
- dentrifying bacteria
- symbiosis
- liver of humans
- kidney
- the weight of the stomata pores
- cross breeding
- gene
- axile placentation
- 0. 25
- ceramics
- rhizobium
- duck
- trachea - > bronchi - > bronchioles - > alveoli
- perilymph
- housefly
- Spirogyra sp
- the level of savings
- the level of consumer' s income
- economic integration
- 1 and 3
- 1 . 67
- 32
- MR = MMC
- stimulate investment
- under population
- fall in the level of inflation
- obtain short term funds
- unfavourable weather condition
- persistent gas flaring
- raw materials
- inadequacy of infrastructural facilities
- ratio of the two prices
- 42 . 0
- 56
- 80 kg
- M
- rise at an increasing rate
- 2
- income
- an indifference curve
- inadequate infrrastructure
- N 3 . 75
- imports exceeds exports
- efficiency in pricing and distribution of the products
- low level of standard of living
- devalue a country' s currency
- entirely on users
- oversee the development of the oil sector
- consumption pattern
- 22
- C + I+ G +( X - M)
- poor access to credit facilities
- population
- stagflation
- a monopoly
- ordinary share holder
- % change in quantity supplied/ % change in price
- government
p- long term financial instrument
- oil marketing and prospecting
- marginal productivity of labour
- N 5 . 00 kg
- fall
- price is an incentive to consumers
++ + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + ++ + +
1 protect the integrity of the association
2 copyright
3 visible imports exceed visible exports
4 persuasive advertising
5 rivalry
6 dormant partner
7 means of settlement
8 hardware
9 commerce
10 N 7500
11 competitive advertising
12 control of the flow of goods in and out of the country
13 N 24000
14 transportation system
15 cover for importers against risks
16 communication
17 departmental store
18 business reply service
19 oral & written
20 downloading
21 whoever
presents it gets paid
22 consumerism
23 retailing
24 market segmentation
25 frustration
26 a credit transfer system of payment
27 production of goods and services that satisfy human
28 file transfer protocol
29 terms of trade
30 government
31 scarcity
32 natural resources
33 planning
34 unskilled labour
35 central processing unit
36 segmentation
37 increases
38 the legal backing
39 print media advertising
40 core benefit
41 input , processor and output units
42 functional structure
43 breach
44 involves the use of different currencies
45 industrial waste
46 manufacturing activity
47 draw less of his profit for personal use
48 Chambers of commerce
49 Market skimming
50 an advic

- optical isomerism
- 8 H ( aq )
- hydrogen
- water and oxygen
- amylase
- CH 3 CH2 CHO and H 2
- concentrated tetraoxosulphate VI acid
- CH 3 - CH 2 - CH 2- CH 3
- stoves and cookers
- hexanedoic acid
- move at different speeds in the column
- sublimation
- hydroxyl and halo group
- catenation
- CnH 2n + 1OH
- bosch process
- 6 . 9
- blue
- condensation and hydrolysis
- tollens reagent
- they are members of the same homologous series
- increase in the value of the equilibrium constant
- tanning
- 0 . 50 moldm 3
- cobalt - 60
- Na 2 O
- CFCs
- random motion of particles increases from gas to solid
- enthapy change
- an exothermic reaction
- Al( OH ) 3
- strong acid and strong base
- the valence electrons of the elements increase
progressively across the period
- Sn
- SO 2
- in making bicycle chains
- hydroxyl group
- light
- 4
- calcium oxide
- x rays
- N 2 , CO and CO2
- purple
- butter
- 15
- 56 . 000
- radon
- N
- an exothermic reaction
++ + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + ++ + +
1- 15
- concave lens
- be a straight line
- ( this is a graph , the line is straight)
- rapid evaporation
- 16 /g
- I and III only
- is doubled
- 40 cm
- deficiency decreases with an increase in friction
- telescope
- 12 Hz
- 10
- 1 . 5 x 10 ^ - 3
- evaporation
- temperature in the enclosure
- specific heat capacity
- infinite
- voltage
- temperature of the liquid increases
- 1200 N
- 20 cm
- 15 s
- 10 s
- gamma ray
- 6 . 93 x 10 raise to power 7 s
- water waves
- 153 degree celcius
- it will drop to zero
- upthrust in d liquid to the upthrust in water
- X
- lead acid accumulator
- the rate of condensation is equal to that of vaporization
- 1 . 330m
- rectilinear propagation of light
- atoms of all elements are identical
- white
- hot wire ammeter
- electromagnetic waves are transverse
- centripetal forces only
- pressure in liquids and gasses
- 37 . 0 N
- 4 . 16 mm
- NS
- F - m( v - u ) /t
- equal to the atmospheric pressure
- 15 cm
- 1 . 51 eV
++ + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + ++
* absolute majority system
* constituency
* federal government
* permanent secretary
* civil service commission
* effective mechanisms for enforcing its decisions
* sani abacha
* national board for technical education
* political
* caswly hayford
* right to vote
* whose government decisions are made independent of foreign interference
* oligarchy
* yakubu gowon
* the prime minister
* the US, the USSR, and China
* permanet secretary
* political interferance
* emphasis on community feelings and togetherness
* 1963 constitution
* adjudication
* justice akinola aguda
* common language
* high commissioners
* lome
* manifestoes
* constituent assembly
* john payne jackson
* presidential system of government
* in the people
* anomic pressure groups
* assisted the liberation struggle in southern africa
* supreme military council
* gave too much powers to executive
* existence of a centralized system of administration in the area
* foreigners of good character
* colonialism
* accountability
* pay his tax
* charismatic
* easterN
* assented to by the president
* close ties with britain
* desire for peace and stability in west africa
* election of candidates by oyo mesi
* chief-in-council
* togo
* party ideology
* commonwealth

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