
MOUAU 2016 Admission Facts And Advice Candidates/Aspirants Need To Know

Firstly we thank God for the success of the Screening Exams. The questions that aspirants keep asking and we’re already tired of answering is the question pertaining to the departmental cutoff mark for 2016 PUTME.

I will like to use this medium to inform you all that Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike have not officially published any stipulated mark to be the cutoff for any department. Kindly disregard those marks spreading on social media as they are all fabricated. 

Basically, admission at MOUAU is based on a competitive quota system. What does that mean? This simply means that during the admission process, each department is allocated a certain number of student slots within the total admission quota for the entire University and these slots are competitively allocated. 

So assuming the University has about 3,000 slots approved by NUC for a particular session, this number is divided between the Departments. 

Soil Science, Botany, Agronomy may be given less than 80 slots each, while the more competitive Agribusiness (COLMAS), Microbiology, Comp Eng, Comp Science, may be given about 150 slots each. And other departments in order of size and competitiveness.

During the selection process, all the students who applied for each of these courses are listed according to the scores they have, in descending order. Then selection is made based on the quota allocated for that department for that year.

Therefore if after sorting the names a candidates name falls as the 88th person in order of score for a particular program that was allocated 50 slots, obviously such a candidate will not be admitted.

Typically, applications received for the programs mentioned earlier ranges around these figures during Post UTME, Soil Science - less than 80, Botany - about 100, Agronomy - less than 80, while Agribusiness (COLMAS) - about 7,000, Microbiology -almost 2,000, Comp Eng - about 1,500, Comp Science- over 1,000, etc. 

These are typical figures. Let me add Agric Engineering - about 500-700. 

With the explanation above and the figures shown here, you will discover that a candidate who was not offered admission in Comp Eng, will find another candidate with the same score, being offered admission to read Agric Engineering. 

This is because the competition is less heated there. Equally a candidate who was not offered admission to read Biochemistry, will find out that the scores of several of those admitted to read Botany/Zoology are much lower than his/hers. 

And when this happens such a candidate will start complaining and claiming that he/she was denied admission as a result of corruption and bribery, obviously not understanding the way the system works.

I can categorically tell you that the merit admissions at MOUAU are processed 100% on merit. After the merit admissions, then comes the supplementary admissions.

But many of our prospective students do not know that supplementary admission is not automatic. You need to indicate interest and apply for it. 

If you don't apply for Supplementary Admission at the right time, the result is that a candidate who scored lower than you, but who indicated interest and applied through the proper channels will be admitted and you still find yourself without admission and probably complaining.
(Excerpt from Obioma Kelechi’s (Former Webmaster, Mouau) Article) 

MOUAU First Admission List comprises of 3 sub lists. They are:
- Merit List
- Catchment List &
- Education less Developed States List (ELDS)
The total slots approved for the University is shared among these 3 lists in different percentages. 

The Merit list being a sub list in the First Admission list, has the highest percentages of candidates to be admitted in First List. About 45% is allocated to this. That is to say if Civil Engineering has 120 slots to be admitted for first list, about 45% of this total number to be admitted, will be considered based on merit. 45% of 120 is 54. So the first 54 candidates with the highest score in ascending order will be admitted on merit. 

MOUAU being a federal institution, considers some states as catchment states. That is to say that few candidates from different states in the federation are considered for admission in other to complete the admission quota allocated to the school. This list carries about 35% of the total number to be admitted on first list. Still taking Civil Engineering as a case study, 35% of 120 is 42. So about 42 candidates will be admitted from different states outside the cutoff marks.

ELDS meaning Education Less Developed States is an allocation given to some states that have been shortlisted as Education Less Developed/Privileged states by the Federal Government. Some of these states are states in Northern Nigerian, in the East Ebonyi state and others. About 20% of the total number of candidates to be admitted in first list will be generated from this list. Still considering Civil Engineering, 20% of 120 slots is 24. So 24 persons from these less privileged states will be admitted through this list outside the cutoff mark.

Frequently Asked Questions 
After the regular merit admissions lists have been announced and published, successful aspirants are expected to pay the required acceptance fee within a specified time. At the end of the period, the admissions unit, takes stock of the spaces that have not been filled or taken up by paying the required acceptance fee.

When the time is right, the University then calls for applications from candidates who have not yet been admitted and who wish to be offered admission. The announcement usually comes with guidelines on how aspirants can apply and the particular courses/ departments that are open for applications.

Sometimes the guidelines will include the average scores that may be eligible to apply for each course/department.

From experience, this admission list tends to generate the longest list and largest number of aspirants being granted admission. The time frame given to receive applications is usually a very small window of time, this makes it imperative that aspirants who may wish to apply need to put their documents together in order to reduce their reaction time to the call for supplementary admission applications.

It’s best not to delay when the supplementary forms are released.

The higher your average, the better your chances of getting admission. 

Some list that would be published includes: 
Merit admission list, Catchment area, Educational less development state (ELDS), Pre-degree(P.D), Direct entry(D.E) and the Supplementary admission list in different batches like First, Second and Third batch Admission List.

I know you’ve been enlightened by this little piece. Kindly drop your questions using the comment box. 


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