
Points You Must Consider When Reading For Examinations

Regular reading by students has remained an important feature in any course of study. This is justified by the fact that no course of intensive study is possible without evidence of serious efforts on the part of the students.

The brain is an organ that can be trained and retrained. The brain can be trained for quick assimilation, absorption and acquisition of information. The brain is like a warehouse where information is stored, and information can be retrieved at any given time

It is therefore important for you to tolerate, or rather start enjoying the subjects you dislike. Why? So you can pass them or make a distinction in them, even though our focus here is what anysuper student call A1. All it takes is a “shift in paradigm”

This simply means you have to change your point of view and begin to appreciate the subjects you thought you once hated and from a new perspective. Yes that’s true. You can develop love for those subjects that give you the toughest of time in class. Remember that students who fail to plan, plans to fail at a later time.

Students often complained of low mentality towards assimilation and comprehension of information (a problem often referred to as forgetfulness). Like I said before, the brain can be trained and retrained, unless such person’s problem is beyond normal in which case the person could be suffering from a disease or disorder, especially in the nervous systems. Thus, if a student is normal and finds it difficult to read and understand, such a student and or students have failed to understand the 4 concepts of reading which includes:

The 4 Concepts Of Reading
The what

The why

The when and

The how of reading.

These concepts are now further explained for your better understanding in the paragraphs below.

The what
The ‘what’ simply means, the subject, material or note which the student wants to read. You must have in mind what you want to study so as to develop the interest which will reinforce the appetite of reading to understand. The ‘what’ is very essential in reading situations because it makes you know the subject you have interest in at that point in time.

The Why
It helps the student to know the level of concentration, the motive of reading at that point in time, it asks the students like;

Why are you reading?

Are you reading to search for specific information or for pleasure?

Therefore, the objective will determine the reinforcement of the student. ‘Why’ often leads to curiosity and curiosity brings INTEREST.

The When
The student needs to know when he/she is to study. It means you are to start your study when you know it is convenient for you. For example, you cannot read and understand when you are tired or feel sleepy and so on.

The where
You should consider the environment or atmospheric condition of the place you want to study. That is, the environment should not be noisy. You cannot read and understand in a place where there is disturbance.

The How
The ‘how’ which is the final concept of reading means the pattern you follow when you study. Some students prefer to cram rather than to read and understand.

Having known these few points, I hope you have decided on the best way to study for an upcoming examination, I also do hope you have known the three concepts of reading- the Why, the how, when and the how.

You can also share with that loving classmates of yours and help him in one way or the other in his academics. I also wish you could share this vital information on your facebook Page so everyone can see and gain from it also.

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