
Seven ways or Principles To make Good Grades In My Academics

Today, I would like to offer you the 7 principles which I believe would help anyone in making good grades in any university in the world. Are you reading from Asia, Africa, Europe, Cambridge or Harvard, UNIBEN, UNIPORT, UNIJOS? Are you white skinned, Caucasian or black, this post is definitely for you and I would also like you to bookmark this page and make it a date with us as new topics like this would always be available here.

Firstly, The Principle of Prioritizing your work for each day

Since the word student comes from the word “studies”, it then implies that anyone calling him/herself a student must have to study for at least a few hours on a daily basis. You must ensure that your studies comes before every other thing in your life especially as you now live independently (for those living far away from their parents or guardians). Student who aspire for high grades would never skip a class for any reason except the situation warrants it. You also must make sure you do the right things at the right time for this would be necessary If you must be the best in your class.
Do not forget that your failure starts the very day you start missing class. Moreover, genius don’t miss classes or procrastinate as they are always prompt for lectures.

Principle of Concentration

Remember, in all academic work or pursuit of success, if you do not pay attention you will eventually pay the penalty (failure), in other words, where there is no sacrifice, there will be no success. Concentration requires the combination of your body and mind. Bring your mind to the class if you want to be academically successful. I also believe that anything you give your attention to will definitely give you direction but you must also not forget that there is a great difference between direction and speed. It is possible to be physically present in the class, but you’re not there since your mind is wandering somewhere else.

Concentration would require you blocking out every side attraction. Moreover, your physical presence In the class is not enough to bring A’s to your termly report card but your mental alertness. The fact still remains that being physically present in class but absent minded is strongly against the essence of learning, hence true attendance is actually the attendance of your mind to what is being taught not the physical attendance.

Principle of Reputation

Build a good reputation for seriousness in your class If you must make it academically. Keep a reading timetable intact and ensure you strictly follow it. As a Nigerian student, you must answer this question of value, WHAT ARE YOU KNOWN FOR? Mind you that the difference between ‘somebody’ and ‘Nobody’ is reputation. Be known for something great in your class because you have a name to protect and a personality to promote, live up to it with your good grades or making good grades. Do not that your reputation is built by what people see you do and what people hear from you every day. If you want to build a good reputation, choose five words you’d like your classmates and teachers/lecturers to remember you for and carefully build your reputation through your words and actions every day, then you will become somebody and not a “nobody”.

Principle of Affection

Love your lecturers and your subjects and you will get good grades. Love never fails. A course lecturer or class teacher will never lose his Job all because you refused to like him/her. But you lose interest in their subject, lose marks in the exams and lose your right to the top position in the class. Obviously, you have more to lose than your teachers because it is your result that suffers. 

Your loyalty to lecturers can be best shown when you do your assignments, home works, obeying class rules and your result will be the very best.

Having known these, the Question now is “do you really love your teachers? Learn to love the teachers of the subjects you consider tough, find something good to love about them and focus on it, to be the best. You can also scale through failure, if you can find someone who enjoys the subject that you don’t like reading, make that person your reading partner. Remember, love never fails. If you love your subjects and teachers, you will never fail. However, love inspires and motivates you to retain and recall easily.

Principle of Sacrifice

The saying goes that where there is no pain, gain will certainly be missing. Therefore, if you want to make the best in your result, pay the price of attentiveness, dedication and hard work for this is the price of success. Dreams do come true If we wish hard enough and work hard for it. The real questions are; 

What are you willing to sacrifice? 

How dearly do you want those good results?

Let the answer to these questions show in the number of hours you are willing and able to spend reading your books instead of playing. High flying studentssacrifice more of their playing time, while ordinary students sacrifice more of their reading time playing. Which do you want to be? High flying students or the ordinary ones? Your sacrifice will tell which one you are. In conclusion, the pain of preparation for your examinations will determine the gain of celebration for your results.

Principle of Self Discoveries 

Know and do what works best for you, imitation is limitation. Do not imitate. Discover yourself today and you will make the best result this semester or term. Remember, the best discovery is self discovery. Besides, until you discover, you cant recover. That is, discovering the secrets of studying effectively which collectively forms the code SQ4R S-Survey, Q-Question, R-Read, R-Revise, R-Recite and R-Record all you have learnt that same day of lectures, before your examination, thus you will Recall and retain all you have studied to make good grades.

To be a successful student you have to discover yourself to know your abilities and limitations and the same time you have to become your own manager guiding yourself through your studies.

Principle of Giving yourself incentives,by constantly reminding yourself of your goals both long and short term and keep track of your progress towards them. Set for yourself targets and give yourself rewards for achieving them. Encourage yourself by finding satisfaction in all your achievements no matter how small it may be.

Now that you have known these 7 principles that would help you achieve academic excellence, I look forward to your kind comments and suggestions as this would help in writing and improving other topics for your reading pleasure.

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